Do you need a technical co-founder to succeed?

October 21st, 2020

Well if you already have one, it’s certainly not going to hurt you.

But that’s not the position a lot of founders are in.

The answer is, it depends.

Most startups are about packaging up some useful domain knowledge that you have, making some process more efficient, automating a process and putting a nice interface on top of it.

For these types of things you don’t need a technical co-founder.

What you need is someone to make sure you don’t get taken for a ride by a development partner.

Making sure the quality is good.

That your intellectual property is protected.

And that some sort of handover process is documented so you stay in control of what you’ve paid for.

In those early days it’s better to keep as much equity as possible and spend the least you can.

It’s easier to unwind from development costs when you don’t have employees.

And you can always in-house development later with a good handover process once you have traction and product market fit.

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